My first reason to be cheerful is that more than 100 delightful readers purchased the rewrite of my book, “It’s Raining in Moscow and I Forgot my Umbrella” last week when it was on special offer. If you were one of those lovely people, thank you! If you enjoyed the read it would be fantastic if you could write a review! Not only would I be interested in what you thought, but Amazon’s bewildering algorithms seem to like reviews, and books with more reviews get pushed forward so more people see them. Something simple along the lines of, “Best book I’ve ever read!” or “Don’t miss this brilliant work of fiction,” would be just fine😊

The second reason to be cheerful is my attempt at Parkrun this week. Not obsessive or anything, but I did a bit of training during the week, and my son, Charlie kindly gave me some excellent tips to help me go faster (I don’t think it would be possible to go slower!) I need to pump my arms, thrust my thighs forwards, and kick the dust. Not a problem. You might remember my first attempt at Parkrun resulted in a time of 1 hour, 3 minutes using 2 walking poles. A few weeks ago, I managed the first lap without poles and picked them up from a handy hedge halfway round. Yesterday I managed the whole course without any poles at all! What’s more I got my best time ever – 40 minutes and 27 seconds! I know it’s not a great time, but when you have MS, and the future shows a rapid downhill slope; to actually improve at something physical is a triumph. That’s why I’m cheerful on this lovely Easter Monday morning. I hope you have reasons to be cheerful too.
Happy Easter Monday!
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