Author Visits
As a teacher currently running Y6 Creative Writing Courses, I am very familiar with the workings of schools.
My school visits explain the motivation behind my writing. What compelled me to write about homelessness in India? Why did I embark on a thriller/adventure series set in Moscow and the dementia floor of a care home? The topics incite interesting discussions!
With a passion for inspiring young people to write creatively, my visits also focus on the process of writing and publishing a book; the journey from the author’s first idea to the book on the shelf.
There is an option to end with a creative writing workshop and an invitation to enter my annual short story competition.
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Northwood College
Earlier this week, we were delighted to welcome author
to Northwood College. Caroline held two sessions for Y5-8 students, held a book sale for students at break time in the Library, and launched her creative writing competition!
Christ Church, Chorleywood
Thank you so much - the children were delighted to get feedback from a published author.
Abbots Primary
Amazing to have author Caroline Boxall visit us today, inspiring our budding authors!
Royal Masonic
What an absolute privilege to have a visit from author Caroline Boxall yesterday.
Working with Mrs Boxall changed my whole life (in a good way). I used to hate reading, writing and English, but now I love it.
Rish (11) Cherry Tree Primary
We were excited to have author Caroline Boxall visit our school today! Her captivating presentation ignited our passion for storytelling and inspiring young minds. Thank you for such an incredible experience!